Speak English more clearly and confidently

Does the following scenario sound familiar?

You want to improve your English speaking skills so you can express your ideas more confidently in social situations and at work.

But every time you’re about to speak, there’s a little voice of self-doubt that tells you to keep quiet. You don’t want to make mistakes and embarrass yourself in front of other people.

You dream of speaking English without hesitating so much.

There are just a few things holding you back:

  • You feel shy because you haven’t studied English in ages, and the more time passes, the harder it gets.

  • It’s not easy to find people to practise English with. Everyone’s busy, including you. You definitely don’t have time to find a conversation partner, let alone figure out what to talk to them about!

  • Even when you do find opportunities to practise, the people you talk to aren’t qualified to point out your mistakes and help you improve.

So, you end up watching TV shows and movies in English … but you don’t get enough speaking practice.

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Stop waiting—start speaking!

Many people think they need to study English first before speaking the language in real life.

So, they spend a lot of time consuming English content: watching TV series, listening to podcasts, or reading books.

But while these activities improve their listening and reading skills, they don’t help much with speaking.

And to get better at speaking English, you need to speak as much as possible!

It’s okay to make mistakes

In fact, making mistakes, understanding them, and then trying again is the key to learning and improving.

My English coaching program is based on that principle. It’s designed to encourage you to speak to the best of your ability, without overthinking.

While you speak, I’ll listen and take notes so that I can give you constructive feedback to help you:

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As a freelance illustrator, I often need to speak English in meetings with clients. Because my spoken English is not at the same level as my illustration skills, I used to worry that people would think I didn’t have good ideas because I couldn’t express myself correctly. So, I went looking for an English program that focused on conversation.

What I liked best about Michelle’s English coaching program is that it’s personalized. I was able to speak about topics that interest me. Between our sessions, I worked on specific grammar points that I had difficulty with. It helped me a lot! Doing the grammar exercises motivated me to continue.

Now, I feel more confident in meetings with clients. I’m no longer waiting to get better at speaking English before putting myself out there. Having a private coaching session each week helped me set goals. I’ve made English a part of my daily life!

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Sophie B.
Freelance Illustrator


This personalized English coaching program is adapted to your level: beginner, elementary, intermediate, or advanced.

After you sign up, you’ll get a welcome guide with detailed information on what we’ll do during each session and a list of conversation topics to inspire you.

The program is designed to ensure that you:

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Speak freely and often

In our sessions, I’ll encourage you to speak as much as possible while I listen carefully and take notes to give you helpful feedback. You can take your time to express your ideas, opinions, and thoughts in English. The more you speak English, the more confident you’ll become!

Discuss topics that interest you

Before each session, you’ll choose a speaking topic. What are you curious about? It’s important to choose topics that are meaningful to you and relevant to your life. Doing so will help you retain what you learn.

Master specific grammar

Studying English grammar on your own can be boring. And without a teacher, you won’t know what to focus on.

During our online sessions, we’ll do some grammar-based speaking and listening activities based on your points of difficulty.

For homework, you’ll do exercises from an English grammar workbook, which I’ll recommend to you based on your level. 

Each week, you’ll learn a little more grammar. With time, you’ll be able to identify and understand your mistakes, which will help you stop repeating them.

Learn with a coach who cares

I’ll never judge you for making mistakes. You’ll feel like a trusted friend is cheering you on!


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You save by enrolling in 8 sessions at a time! 

Each Zoom session is 60 minutes long. 

Prices are in Canadian dollars. 

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Our company is expanding to the Netherlands. This means I’ll have to communicate in English regularly with clients, lawyers, and other people involved in managing our business. My English was rusty, so I decided to sign up for Michelle’s program to help me gain confidence.

Michelle’s English coaching program offers a great mix of speaking, listening, pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar. For me, the most useful aspect of the program is that it provides a lot of speaking practice. I like being able to choose the speaking topics. When I talk to Michelle, I feel accepted, supported, and free.

These days, when I speak to someone in English, they answer with a smile. The conversation is more fluid, and there’s no confusion. I’m proud of myself!

Tania Renzi - testimonial photo
Tania Renzi
General Director, Logistics Consulting

A flexible program for busy people

Concerned that you can’t fit anything more into your tight schedule?

Don’t worry. My English coaching program is flexible. 

Once you’ve signed up, I’ll send you a link to my online calendar so you can book your sessions.

You’ll be able to choose from a variety of time slots from Monday to Friday from 9a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Eastern Time. 

Depending on your needs and schedule, you can choose to have a 60-minute Zoom session with me twice a week, once a week, or once every two weeks.

Who this program is for

This program is for you if:

This program is not for people who:

Limited spots available

I work with a limited number of clients at a time to ensure each client receives personalized attention and support. Spots are filled on a first come, first served basis.

Book a free call with me

Tell me about your needs, and we’ll set up a free 15-minute Zoom call.

It would be my pleasure to help you decide if this is the right program for you!

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Frequently asked questions

What is the frequency of the sessions?

You can choose to have a session with me twice a week, once a week, or once every two weeks. 

Which program should I choose, Basic or Plus?

The Plus program is intended for people who are at the intermediate or advanced level in English. In addition to having that level, base your choice on your level of motivation and the amount of time you have to work on your English between sessions. If you are highly motivated and willing to devote 60 to 90 minutes per week to studying English, choose the Plus program. The Basic program requires less time. 

Whichever program you choose, try to work on your English for at least a few minutes each day. In his book Atomic Habits, James Clear writes, “If you can get 1% better each day for one year, you’ll end up 37 times better by the time you’re done.” In other words, small daily habits lead to big results! 

I don’t know my level of English. Can you help me figure it out?

Yes! Simply fill out this form in English or French. I’ll send you a free self-assessment tool and a link to my online calendar so you can choose a time for us to chat on Zoom. During the call, I’ll help you assess your level.

Do I have to buy the recommended workbook?

The workbooks I recommend are from the Azar-Hagen grammar series, whose proven method is trusted by thousands of English teachers all over the world. I like the series because it offers a variety of grammar-based exercises, including speaking and listening activities that allow you to learn grammar in context. We’ll do those activities together in our sessions. But if you don’t want to buy the workbook, we can discuss other options.

What happens when I complete a package of 4 or 8 sessions?

Prior to the last session in your package, I’ll ask you if you want to continue. How long you continue is up to you! 

Curious about the program?

Tell me about your needs and we’ll set up a free chat on Zoom.